
Being the bold Aquarian that I am, I'm writing up this nifty new post without a test page. Stupid? Maybe. Typical of an over-anxious counter girl trying to avoid dusting? Oh, very much so!

So what's the buzz, buzz, buzzing around the shop lately? In case you haven't been around to hear me gush/complain about it...we're designing a new website! Yep, it's true. Enchanted Journey's online home is getting a makeover. Well, maybe 'makeover' isn't the right word. Let's follow the metaphor though...Enchanted Journey is moving to a new online home! Sound confusing? Yeah, a bit. So much for my metaphor, huh?

Ok, in plain English, Enchanted Journey has a whole new site. New colors, new format, new web address...it's a breath of fresh air, really! We're hoping to debut our new site for August. Excited??? You should be! And no worries, I plan on making the transition as painless as possible ;)

Oh and did I mention that a shopping cart is in the works? Oh yeah, we've heard the cry for online shopping...and we totally understand! Let me tell you, I can't even count the nights I've been shopping for goodies at 2am in a fuzzy robe, with cup of tea in hand. So be on the lookout...maybe September?

What else is new? Well, I've been staring at boxes of new books for the past 3 hours...but am waiting til the boss lady gets here to open them up. Oh, be still my heart...NEW BOOKS!

xoxo, Jen


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